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Name of Contributing Foundations

Amount Awarded 

2016 MJ Murdock Charitable Trust...........................................................................................................

2016 Avista Foundation..............................................................................................................................

2016 ICF - Idaho Community Foundation...............................................................................................

2016 Latah County Community Foundation...........................................................................................

2017 The Margaret F. Galbraith Fund at Inland Northwest Community Foundation......................

2017 The Steele-Reese Foundation.............................................................................................................

2017 Gladys E. Langroise Advised Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation...............................

2017 Latah County Community Foundation ..........................................................................................

2019 Innovia Foundation............................................................................................................................


$    3,000.00

$    2,808.00

$    1,500.00

$  30,000.00

$  15,000.00

$    5,000.00

$    1,500.00

$  10,000.00

It is the contributions from these wonderful benefactors listed that we have been able to accomplish building the community center in Viola. With their faith, trust, and partnership in our dream, we have accomplished much in a short time.

Other Essential Contributors

A prominent family (who wishes to remain anonymous)

has lived in Viola for generations, contributed the 4.66 acres on which our community center was built. No words are adequate enough to express our heartfelt thanks to this family for their generosity, of both land, time and materials, to this project.

Pre-Mix Inc. / Motley-Motley, Inc.

for donating 89 cubic feet of concrete, equipment & labor to get the foundation poured / and more than 8 cubic yards of fill dirt, labor, & equipment, to take our building site out of the flood plains.

Wild Rose Mennonite Church

for the wonderful tradesmen who donated their time and equipment to pour the foundation of our center.

The Viola Ladies Quilt Cub

whose dedication and contributions are endless.

The Latah County Commissioners

for donating the funds necessary to pay for the cost of the building permit.

Viola LLC

who has donated all realized profits from their sausage sales for several years.

Business Donations from 2013 thru 2018

The following businesses throughout Latah & Whitman Counties have donated to our building efforts by contributing a combined total of $29,000.00 through various fundraising campaigns held over the last few years. Thank you one & all!

Bennett Lumber Products, Inc.

Gem Valley Appraisal

Grammy G's Quilt Shop

John Bagott Motors

Northwest Pharmacy Services, Inc.

Palouse Caboose Bar & Grill

Palouse Patchers

Pinochle Club

Short's Funeral Chapel LLC

Viola Ladies Quilt Club

Zions Bank

Cheers to the individuals who have also contributed over the years.  It was their donations and kind hearts that kept us going.

1007 Rothfork Rd. Viola, ID 83872​





There are no standardized hours for the facility but "at home staff members" will be able to take your call and be available most days.

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